
It started back in late 2004 with my first camera I purchased. And so the story begins....

First and foremost I want to thank God for creating all this magnificent beauty, for not ONLY giving me the eye to see and capture on film, but first and foremost for sending Jesus to carry the burden of my sins to the cross and giving his life so that I may live. Second I thank (and owe so much to) my beautiful wife, Amy, who has to put up with me. All the spur of the moment, crazy, wild, hurry those people are looking at you/us time/effort and so many more untold things that are done to capture the story/vision I am trying to tell on film and digital media. Thank you. And to "second" shooter (that more often than not is THE shooter!!) Thank you for all the help and making this into something WORTH showing off and taking pride in. She has such a great eye for capturing the light/images. We would love to capture that special moment/day/time or occasion for you.

I continue to strive to perfect this craft. (IF that's even possible) I am my own worse critic.